Hodgdon Trail Boss Smokeless Gun Powder


Hodgdon Trail Boss Smokeless Gun Powder



Hodgdon Trail Boss Smokeless Gun Powder

Buy Hodgdon Trail Boss Smokeless Gun Powder online

Hodgdon Trail Boss Smokeless Gun Powder 1 lb Rating Required Select Rating 1 star (worst) 2 stars 3 stars (average) 4 stars 5 stars (best) Name Email Required Review Subject Required Comments Required SKU: 86A UPC: 609613837759

Hodgdon Trail Boss Smokeless Gun Powder is something new and unique in reloading powders. A child could safely handle it, because it is virtually non-toxic. It has low muzzle flash and a clean burn.

Hodgdon® Trail Boss® Smokeless Gun Powder is a low-pressure, fast burning powder made especially for lever-action and single shot rifles and handguns. This clean, non-corrosive powder was created to meet cowboy action shooting requirements so the pressure generated is significantly lower than any other rifle or handgun powder. Perfect for Cowboy Action shooting, this smokeless propellant is designed for low velocity and reduced recoil loads used in black powder cartridge arms.

Trail Boss is the most versatile powder in Hodgdon’s line-up. It will give the reloader excellent accuracy in plinking loads that wont break the bank. In other words, you can shoot a lot of high quality rounds for little money. Trail Boss is a very flexible powder when it comes to loading a wide variety of cartridges.

Hodgdon’s Trail Boss is perfect for low-recoil and low-velocity loads. The same Hodgdon quality and reliability you’ve come to know and trust, plus a whole lot less noise at the range. It is the safest powder to use with cast bullets. American Pioneer Powder, Pyrodex and Triple Seven are not competition tested or approved, so they shouldn’t be used in any competition shooting.

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TRAIL BOSS is designed specifically for low velocity lead bullet handgun loads. It provides lower chamber pressures, milder muzzle report, minimum recoil and maximum accuracy for Cowboy Action and other lead bullet handgun loads. The massive flash holes provide reliable ignition of the powder column with all types of primers, including the 6.8 Remington. Trail Boss is the powder for any big bore handgun project

Trail Boss was designed specifically for low velocity lead bullet loads in cartridges like the .32-20, .38-40 and .44-40. But it works great in other cartridges as well. Trail Boss is intended for use in handguns, but has also proven useful in many rifle cartridges.

A true innovation in reloading, Trail Boss was designed specifically for low velocity lead bullet loads. It’s the first powder ever designed with a sole application in mind – low velocity lead bullets in large cases; an ideal combination to give you the best performance in semi-automatic firearms, lever gun, and single shot pistols and rifles.

The main uses for Trail Boss are in handgun and light rifle loads. Great for cowboy action shooting. Trail Boss is best used with cast bullets and hard to ignite primers. It meters extremely well (fluffy) through powder measures and provides outstanding accuracy.

Trail Boss is a great powder for reduced loads in cowboy action and similar types of shooting. It meters great, has no position sensitivity, and gives good velocities when used correctly. Use the accompanying load data as a starting point.

If a muzzleloading gun can launch a 250 grain bullet at 1900 FPS, how hard will it be to push the same bullet at 1500 FPS? Really hard! Shooting experts have discovered that typical black powder substitutes don’t make it easy to obtain acceptable velocities with lead bullets in

Hodgdon Trail Boss Smokeless Gun PowderClick Here For Reloading Information.Click Here To Read About Powders In The Same Burn Range.Buy Hodgdon Trail Boss Smokeless Gun Powderonline black powder gun,

Buy Hodgdon Trail Boss Smokeless Gun Powder online

at the best price. This high quality powder is perfect for Cowboy Action Loads, including .45 Colt, .44/40, .357 Magnum and others.

Hodgdon Trail Boss Smokeless Gun Powder $17.99 – $179.99

Buy Hodgdon Trail Boss Smokeless

Hodgdon Trail Boss Smokeless Gun Powder is designed specifically for low-pressure reloading and was named the world’s best new gunpowder two years in a row. Based on a special depressed spherical propellant design, this powder can be used in a wide range of different loads and cartridges and still produce optimum performance right out of the box.

Hodgdon Trail Boss Smokeless Gun Powder is designed specifically for low-velocity lead bullets in handgun cartridges. It’s a soft, fluffy powder that meters very

Hodgdon Trail Boss Smokeless Gun Powder is light in recoil and produces low pressures. Outstanding velocity, outstanding accuracy.

Hodgdon Trail Boss Smokeless Gun Powder is a super unique powder developed “specifically” for low velocity lead bullet loads. Unlike other powders, Trail Boss was designed for high volume handloaders who are willing to trade off a little in accuracy to get more reloads out of every pound.

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Trail Boss is a monstrously powerful smokeless powder. Whether it be handloaded cartridges for a lever action or a sporting clays load, Trail Boss makes muzzleloading safe. It won’t hurt the gun or void the warranty. In fact, we consider this product one of our greatest smokeless powder discoveries!

Trail Boss is based on the well known 295+/-30 grain equivalent volume of Nitrocellulose (WC820) powder and was designed for reduced loads in revolvers and single shot rifles. Upon testing, it has shown to be very versatile in .44 Special and .45 Colt as well as for Cowboy Action shooting. Trail Boss fills the case more fully than other powders, so there will be a decrease in the case capacity when using this powder. This is particularly important for small capacity cases such as the .38 Special and 9mm Luger when Trail Boss is used. As with all smokeless powders, do not exceed the load listed in current hand loading manuals.

Hodgdon Smokeless Powder Burn Rates. Related Information: Reloading Glossary. Hodgdon Extreme Small Rifle, Extreme

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Buy Hodgdon Trail Boss Smokeless Gun Powder a smokeless powders at sure shot guns

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Hodgdon Trail Boss Powder is specifically designed for low velocity lead bullets used in Cowboy Action Shooting matches. This unique powder is not just a fast burning rifle powder, but offers high volume loading too. All the features make Hodgdon Trail Boss the perfect choice for Cowboy Action Shooting! Each container of Hodgdon Trail Boss Smokeless Gun Powder includes three measuring spoons for accurate dispersion of the powder, so you never have to worry about accidentally overloading your gun. The manufacturer also uses a specialized formula that allows this powder to mingle with air more efficiently than standard powders, which helps steadily control pressures throughout the firing cycle.

Hodgdon Trail Boss Smokeless Gun Powder is an extremely versatile powder that can be used in a variety of rifle and pistol cartridges. It has a unique design that allows the creation of high velocity handgun loads that are ultra-soft shooting, regardless of bullet weight. Trail Boss works especially well in cast bullets in handguns, as well as for heavy bullets in rifles, producing pressure levels low enough for use in a variety of older firearm actions. Hodgdon Trail Boss Smokeless Gun Powder is specially designed to flow easily through powder measures and provides good metering, making load preparation quick and simple.

Hodgdon’s Trail Boss Smokeless Gun Powder is a heavy duty powder that is easy to use and is perfect for rifles and pistol. This smokeless gun powder gives top velocities while giving light recoil on handguns. Trail Boss Smokeless Gun Powder is becoming very popular with Cowboy Shooters because it meters so well and doesn’t crossfire, even in severe temperatures.

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Hodgdon Trail Boss Smokeless Gun Powder – A new concept in pistol and revolver propellants. Designed expressly for handgun loads, Trail Boss provides reduced velocities with match accuracy. As a reloader you’ll appreciate the lower recoil of Trail Boss while your hunting buddies will hug you for those softloading 410 shotgun shells. For added safety, Trail Boss fills the case nearly to the base of the bullet, making loading easy and quick. H110/W296 Works Great! Requiring only 20% as much powder as it’s nearest competitor in many cartridges, you’re sure to appreciate all the benefits this excellent muzzleloading propellant brings to your shooting experience. If your powder measures poor and you can’t weigh every charge – this powder is for you!

Hodgdon Trail Boss Powder is designed specifically for low velocity lead bullets in.45 and.38 special cartridges. It offers low recoil, exceptional accuracy and good cleaning characteristics. Works with standard large pistol primers. Made in the U.S.A.

Hodgdon Trail Boss is one big, bad powder for a variety of handgun and rifle applications. Developed specifically for low-velocity handgun and lever gun loads, Trail Boss was designed to provide maximum protection from overpressure when using heavy bullets in reduced loads. Light-recoil, fun-to-shoot leading paper patch and cast bullet loads can also be developed with Trail Boss.

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Trail Boss is a heavily-overloaded, spherical powder designed to produce low pressures in large cases. It was developed specifically for reduced loads in cowboy action shooting and produces velocities similar to traditional black powder cartridges.

The light recoil and mild report of Trail Boss makes it ideal for reduced loads. Use the load data provided by Hodgdon to create safe and fun target practice, plinking and small game loads. Not recommended for pistol cartridges. The reloader can begin with loads that are 90% below maximum and work up from there, but attention must be paid to propellant fill in bottle-neck cases when working up loads.

Trail Boss was developed by Winchester for reduced loads specifically for cowboy action shooting. Use it exclusively for low velocity lead bullet loads in handgun cartridges. Trail Boss features large extruded grains which allow the user to monitor fill density with the naked eye and provides easy accurate metering when using a powder measure.